The Sustainable Water Council is a standards body that issues membership certification to businesses that meet its Standard for Sustainable Water Practice

We have developed a water certification standard that fundamentally changes the way businesses view and respond to water sustainability challenges. Our certification process empowers businesses to be market leaders in water sustainability, drive efficiencies within their business and save water for future generations.


The Sustainable Water Council (SWC) logo shows that the product or business achieves excellence in sustainable water practice and has implemented measures that reduce water consumption and improve water management.

We encourage consumers to make sustainable choices by highlighting water sustainable brands and products.


The SWC incentivises business to drive water sustainability by making a business case for adopting sustainable water practices.

Solutions to long-term water risks are implemented through our certification and knowledge hub processes which enable recognition of members and the sharing of cutting edge water innovations with members and broader stakeholders.

Membership is voluntary and evidences members’ commitment to saving water and advancing sustainable business practices.

A water sustainable future can only be achieved through long-term and committed partnerships with business

Water Facts

Increased Demand

Water demand in South Africa will outstrip supply by 17% by the year 2030

Lost Water

Approximately 37% of South Africa’s drinking water is lost annually through leaking pipes, theft and negligence – this costs the country in excess of R7.2 billion per year

Water Shortage

Cape Town is the first global metropolis faced with the possibility of running out of water


Postnet V&A Waterfront
Postnet Suite #52
Private Bag X9190
Cape Town

Tel: 081 769 9678 / 081 342 8750