About the SWC

The Sustainable Water Council was formed with the intention of protecting our most precious resource – water. We aim to fundamentally shift how business approaches and develops solutions to water sustainability challenges, and ultimately drive consumer attitudes towards sustainable purchasing decisions.

We propose a new way of thinking about water sustainability through the SWC Standard for Sustainable Water Practice. The Standard follows a holistic approach informed by expertise in a range of fields including sustainability science, finance, legal, risk management, compliance, and marketing.

The SWC is the body ultimately responsible for granting membership certification to businesses following independent assessment by accredited assessors.

Our Vision

Develop and maintain a standard which brings water sustainability to the fore of consumer, producer, and business consciousness.

Encourage business to adopt sustainable water practices.

Share our growing knowledge of water best practice with all members, partners and broader stakeholder groups, realising that business needs to come together to provide meaningful solutions to our long-term water sustainability challenges­.

Promote long-term water sustainability by funding education, training, empowerment and sustainability initiatives.

What sets us apart

We marry the needs of business with sustainability goals in a mutually beneficial approach

We provide a strong business case for compliance with the Standard whilst ensuring that members implement water sustainability measures

Our evaluation approach minimises cost and complexity and is accessible to businesses of all types and sizes

We provide a platform for immediate and meaningful change whilst driving consumer behaviour towards sustainable choices

Investment in CSR initiatives

The SWC contributes 10% of all top-line revenue to:

  • Empowerment initiatives that fund water sustainability training and career advancement opportunities for previously disadvantaged individuals
  • Education initiatives that spread sustainability and conservation awareness
  • NGOs and NPOs that focus on community, local and regional sustainability projects


Postnet V&A Waterfront
Postnet Suite #52
Private Bag X9190
Cape Town

Tel: 081 769 9678 / 081 342 8750
Email: info@sustainablewatercouncil.co.za